Thursday, February 28, 2019

Private Emotion

When the soul is tired and the heart is weak, where do you turn?

Thinking back I can recall having someone in my life who used to call whenever they
needed to talk about anything. I mean anything. All emotions put aside just to share
how they were feeling and what was going on in their life. So many secrets revealed
and so much trust given. Can friendships bring you on a roller coaster of emotions that
one may think that when they stop talking they are heart broken? I often wonder about
that. When a friends runs to another friend of the opposite sex, does that mean they are
comfortable with them enough to reveal deep secrets? Or does it mean they want more
from the other and that is why they are sharing?

What makes one turn on another when they were once so close and vulnerable to
one another?Souls connecting makes one want to hear from and be near a person, so why
disconnect so quickly and without cause? Is it private emotions running so deep that one
was scarred or simply a  fluke and a twist in fate?

The problem with people these days is that no one thinks of the other person's feelings
when they say or do stupid things to hurt them for no reason. If someone is standing by
your side through thick and thin, you do not turn your back on them. You believe in them
as they did you, but some just can't fathom that people actually care for them, so they keep
their emotions private.

Those private emotions get the best of you and make you lose site of the good in front of you.
I know, I have been there. You feel that fuckery happening, but you ignore it because
you want to see the good in people and not that bad side your gut is telling you that is there.

Do you have any private emotion stories you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them.