Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Downtown Train

As I sit on this downtown train, I watch the people around me. I see the man shyly smile at
the woman sitting across from him though she does not see. I wonder what made him smile
while he looked at her. She is beautiful while she plays her game or watches something on her
phone. But what made him smile at her. Was it the simplicity of her being in her own world or
carnal thoughts of his that brought the smile to his face.

While I try to figure out the mysterious smile guy, someone hacks and makes me look
at them. What makes people do this? I understand that at times people need to cough,
but this is vile shit...
I mean stay home if you sound like that.

Before I can think of that any further, here comes a musician. I usually don’t mind musicians
on he train, but this guy is being nasty. He has nasty comments to people because they
are not giving him money. I usually support train musicians, but not how he is being. Provoking
and saying nasty things doesn't make me want to give money to anyone.

Oh, now someone is playing a video so the whole car can hear. Where have
manners gone? It is rude to have to hear something one does not want to hear. I do
not need to hear your music or your videos as I sit here waiting to get home. Respect
is lost. People have become so selfish these days that it hurts my soul.

Finally I got off the train and can now be home in a few minutes. My head sometimes spins
riding the subway. You never know what you will see or hear for that matter.

Let me know your stories of riding the subway/train/bus...

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